Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Exercise - Information Gathering

This exercise is to help you gain information from every discard the opponent makes. There are several levels of difficulty. This exercise is from Week 1.

These levels build upon each other. So, for example, at level 3 you should be doing everything from levels 0, 1, 2, and 3.  Make sure you're thoroughly comfortable with a level before moving on. There is tons of information you can get from someone's discards, so we'll work at it bit by bit in order of importance.

Levels 3 and on won't be useful in low level games, as you can't make consistent reads when players don't play consistently, and trying to interpret what you see will be a waste of mental energy. However, building up the habit of noticing those things will make it much easier later when you do start applying them. You'll already have the information handy and ready to be used.

Level 0 - Game State

At the start of each round, before you discard, read out what round it is, what your seat is, and what the dora is. This will help avoid making any silly first discards.

Level 1 - Discards

Every time an opponent discards a tile, consciously read the name of the tile. It's easy to forget this without vocalization, so say it out loud if you need to. Dasuke recommends reading them out loud until it's a habit. This helps keep your focus on the game and builds a habit of watching the discards, which is necessary for the later levels.

Level 2 - Tedashi

Every time an opponent discards a tile, note whether it was the tile they drew (tsumogiri), or if it came from their hand (tedashi). You don't have to memorize all the tsumogiri/tedashi, even ASAPIN doesn't do that, but watching it when it happens will give you a vague idea when you think back, and help with any readings that require it.

Level 3 - Counting

Every time an opponent discards a tile, count the number of visible tiles of that type. For example, if they discard a three of bamboo, count how many three of bamboos you can see. This will help you when thinking about which of your discards is most efficient, as well as in seeing any kabe that are building.

This level takes the most focus and time to master. If you can't keep up in game, you can fall back to the previous level and just count the important tiles, like dora or ones your hand needs to advance.

Video Overview by Dasuke (58:15 to 59:50)

Level 4 - Tile Qualification

Every time an opponent discards a tile, note what qualification that tile is. The qualifications are, in order, Guest Wind, Terminal, Yakuhai, 2/8, Middle Tile, Dora. This level is a minor one, setting up for the next.

Level 5 - Reverse Discards

Every time an opponent discards a tile, think about whether it follows the qualification order listed before. For example, if they discard a terminal from their hand, then a guest wind from their hand, note that the order was reversed. Or, if they discard a guest wind from their hand, then a terminal from their hand, note that the order was normal.

Level 6 - Reverse Discard Interpretation

There will be a full article about this. It's not useful until high levels, as lower level players won't always play sensibly.

Level 7 - Player Reads

As you gather information from each player in level 6, you need to remember each piece of information to try to get a more complete picture. Taking all the observations in context with one another is the goal of this level.

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